Data to Market Research

You can now access the initial findings of our research on the public perception of opera.

Public First has run one of the biggest nationally representative polls of its kind undertaken in the UK. 

To give you a little taste...

  • Did you know young people are more open to attending opera performances than their older peers? 
  • Some 61% of 18-34 year olds say they would consider going to an opera performance in the future.
  • The majority would expect opera tickets in London to set them back £75

Want to know more? Phase 2 of the research just started!

We are now starting Phase 2 of the research which involves in-depth questions with focus groups.

The results will be presented at the Business of Opera Summit on October 10. 

Be among the first to deep dive into the findings and explore what this means for audience development programmes and the future of the art form.